I have created a post types books and the books taxonomy which has 3 taxonomy, and I want to filter all the books based on these taxonomy terms I created an archive page using toolset plugin, But the page is not working for the first time, it's only working on selecting the filter option on the page but I want to show all the items by default on the first visit.
One more issue I'm facing, I've selected the no pagination option on the toolset setting for the archive but it's still showing a max 6 items on the page.
I visited your link and can see the problem, but from the front end alone I can't tell what the issue is.
It looks like you are using the legacy editor to create your custom archive, with a filter for the taxonomy output as radio buttons, where you provide a label for the first empty value, but when I set up the same on my local test site the generated markup is somewhat different.
Would it be possible to get access to your site to be able to see how you have set this up?
Let me mark your next reply as private so that we can get log-in credentials from you—you may want to create a temporary admin user for us to use that you can later delete. And be sure to have a current backup of your site.