Hi Eldred
I think the solution here is for Avada to not override the Bootstrap grid styles with a media query for width: 0px.
They have their own grid system, and I can see no good reason for them to cripple the Bootstrap grid.
I can point you towards a workaround, but in testing it is not quite as simple as I had hoped.
Where Avada inserts its inline CSS block it applies a filter, giving us a chance to modify what it inserts.
So you can append some style rules to reset the Bootstrap grid styles as required.
Here is an example where I have done that.
* Reset Bootstrap column collapse
add_filter( 'fusion_library_inline_dynamic_css', 'tssupp_fix_bs' );
function tssupp_fix_bs( $css ){
$fix = "@media( min-width: 0px){
return $css . $fix;
However, that 0px min-width media query they use really is problematic, because if we then try and override the same, it turns out that that overrides all other media queries for greater widths, which means you need to add back in the Bootstrap styles for the grid for higher widths, too.
Here is a codepen that demos the problem: hidden link
If you comment out the last bit of CSS you'll see the problem.
You can't just fix the styles that Avada sets with that zero width media query, you have to add back the other media query width styles, too.
In speaking with the developers we might adopt such a solution, but the preferred solution would be for Avada to not break this in the first place.