I am trying to display related posts for my site with same taxonomy in single post with toolset layout or view
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
No items found in the right side bar
I have read this post https://toolset.com/documentation/post-relationships/how-to-display-related-posts-with-toolset/
But I dont see "A post related to the current post." in Post Selection
In View, It's only option Select posts that are a children of the current post in the loop.
Thank you for waiting.
From what you've shared, I understand that your goal is to show related books in the sidebar, based on the same "Chuyên ngành" taxonomy terms.
I've replaced the view's post-relationship filter with a taxonomy filter ( screenshot: hidden link ) and it is now showing the list of related books in the sidebar.
Note: The guide that you referred to ( https://toolset.com/documentation/post-relationships/how-to-display-related-posts-with-toolset/ ), is applicable to cases when related posts based on post relationships ( ref: https://toolset.com/documentation/post-relationships/ ) are needed.
I hope this helps.