I have a view that shows the details of the user id in the URL, and it works when there is a number in the URL, it works when there is incorrect number in the URL, i.e. it shows nothing, but remove the number and you get to see everything.
The correct response is to show nothing, since it matches nothing, this should be fixed ASAP.
It gets worse. I created a view in the block editor, and have it show all records where user_id matches the URL param, and if there is a number in the URL but no user_id it shows everything. If I create a view for this then it works as expected when the number doesn't exist.
I'm guessing it's because in the block editor, you can't specify that it's a number. Still, if the view is created, and you leave the param blank, it shows everything, MAJOR MAJOR issue.
Here's what I mean by leaving it blank
"I would like to know - are you using custom search view with AJAX or you are just listing items where user_id matches the URL param?"
1) View purpose Display all results
2) Include only posts with IDs determined by the URL parameter "requestid" eg. yoursite/page-with-this-view/?requestid=1
3) No pagination
- Adjust the multiple view IDs with variable $target_view_ids which is assigned array with values 999999,888888,77777,66666,55555 with your original view IDs