Are the reference still available? Or do I need to start from scratch?
"Getting the Real Estate Reference Site
If you are already a Toolset user, you can use this reference site for free. Just follow the instructions to download and install Toolset Reference Site. Otherwise, buy Toolset and receive access to Toolset plugins and all the reference sites.
Welcome to Toolset support. The online reference site that contained the websites is down as it took resources without having many viewers to justify it.
But you should be able to install the reference websites by installing the Toolset framework installer plugin. You can download it here:
hidden link
Hi Christopher,
I tried the link and it says Transfer expired Sorry, this transfer has expired and is not available any more.
Can we try another way? or I will download asap, once alerted. Thank you.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please use the link below to download the plugin:
hidden link">Download link
Thank you I have the framework, and hope to be able to use it. If I run into issues, I will reopen or start another ticket. Thank you again!