1. I apologise that it takes longer as initially thought
This is because we put quality somehow over quantity, it's straightforward.
We could release this as is, or, we can issue a few Beta's and learn from them, fix the mistakes, and add features that users as well suggest during this process.
This is the big difference from an open source or planned releases such as WordPress itself, to a proprietary, dedicated development schedule like Toolsets.
We do not announce ETAs precisely because we want not to break promises, and provide the best possible product.
2. I do not know of any feature that is lost in the new versions.
Please let me know what feature is lost or broken, and I will answer to it.
There are some things they do not yet work in the betas as they do in the stable versions, of course, since these are beta versions.
3. For information and concerns related to our release schedules, blog announcements and similar, I suggest you use this form here.
The people answering there have a much better overview and can give better insight into how our releases are planned for you.
Related to downgrading, since Beta Plugins should be installed on test sites, there is rarely a reason to downgrade, and I assume it not possible, if you created new relationships with the new betas, or migrated old relations to new ones using the beta.
If you did not migrate anything old and created only new stuff, I think you can downgrade by merely replacing the current beta with the stable versions, but the new content will of course not work as setup in the beta (relationships for example) since those features just do not exist in the stable Toolset.
An option would be to restore a backup, as well.
Btu since this beta plugins are made for testing, there is rarely a downgrade option, similarly as you cannot downgrade from WordPress quickly if there are massive changes like in the new beta of Toolset.
If you can, I would restore from a backup, if you need the site running online and live with the stable versions, and did already work on it with the beta versions.
This ticket is the wrong place to receive updates on when we release certain versions.
I cannot tell this precisely.