I am trying to add new conditions in conditional groups using the GUI for user forms besides of those who are available by default.
For example:
I would like to show a multi-select field based on whether or not the user is a private person or professional.
Link to the page where the issue can be seen: hidden link.
First, an important point to note is that all generic fields must have a slug value.
( as explained in the other ticket: https://toolset.com/forums/topic/generic-fields-for-user-form-not-showing-up/#post-1891547 )
In your form "Nieuwe gebruiker aanmelden", I saw a multi-select field with the label "U bent een ...", which started showing when I added the slug "person-type".
After that and as an example, I updated the condition in the conditional group that follows this field, with this condition:
( screenshot: hidden link )
( $(person-type) eq 'bouwprofessional' )
This means that if the option with the value "bouwprofessional" is selected in the "person-type" field, the fields inside this conditional field group should show.
Similarly, you can add more complex conditional expressions and combinations:
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!