[Resolved] Nested RFGs and fields are not saving in the post field group editor
This thread is resolved. Here is a description of the problem and solution.
Problem: I am unable to add nested repeatable field groups in the custom field group editor. When I try to save, the nested RFG and fields are not saved as expected.
Solution: Increase available memory and max_input_vars.
If you go to the Dashboard then the Field Group for Infiltrations, I am trying to add new Add New Repeatable Group then a new field group and then when I hit save it all goes away.
It works fine in the other Post Types but Infiltrations it does not.
Okay I made another copy of your site to test this out locally, and I didn't have the same problem on my local environment. Usually this means there is a problem with memory or with a server configuration. I can see that your site has 256Mb memory and 1000 MaxInputVars. Let's try to increase both of those. You may need assistance from your hosting company to increase MaxInputVars. I would suggest something like 3000 for now just to test this out. Then you can try adding these two lines to your wp-config.php file to increase the amount of available memory:
You may also need your hosting company to bump the amount of available memory up in your hosting configurations. Sometimes the code I showed above is enough, other times you need to get the hosting company involved. Once you have these changes in place, please add a phpinfo page to your site as described in the section "How to check the PHP version": https://toolset.com/toolset-requirements/
Then we can inspect the different PHP configurations for more information. I was unable to log in using the FTP credentials from the other ticket, so I couldn't add this page myself.
Calling functions are Types_Field_Type_View_Frontend_Abstract::get_decorated_value, Types_View_Decorator_Wysiwyg::get_value, WP_Hook::apply_filters
This is a message provided by Toolset to help you integrate Content Templates with your theme. You can turn this off by going to Toolset > Settings > Frontend Content and unchecking the "Enable theme support debugging" checkbox.
It worked for a bit then stopped saving again. That's how it has been for this infiltration template.
Did you add the php info page so I can inspect your server setup? I can't find it at hidden link
I can't see the info page here: hidden link
Maybe the IT guy uploaded it here instead? hidden link
There is a password protection message, and I cannot view the page without a password.
what's the actual error message, how can I replicate it?
I haven't seen an actual error message, so I'm not sure. To activate error logs, you can go in your wp-config.php file and look for
define('WP_DEBUG', false);
Change it to:
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
Then add these lines, just before it says 'stop editing here':
Reload the page in wp-admin, then try to save some changes. If any backend errors are triggered, this will create an error_log.txt file in your site's root directory. Please send me its contents. Once that is done, you can revert the changes you made to wp-config.php.
Hi, I think there was a problem with ticket assignment in the forum. I want to be sure you received my message yesterday. Please check the forum to confirm.
What about the error logs, were you able to add the information to your wp-config.php file? I'll be glad to do it myself, but I need FTP access. I'm not able to access the server using the FTP credentials you provided earlier, the message is:
Status: Resolving address of stage.***.com
Status: Connecting to 192.***7:21...
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Error: Connection closed by server
Error: Could not connect to server
Is it possible there is an IP-based restriction on this server, or some other reason I would not be able to access it with FTP?
Well I don't see any errors logged. Can you ask for FTP access so I can take a look on the server? The credentials you provided in a previous ticket are not working for me.
Okay digging around here I'm able to see that your memory limit is not increased correctly, as is your max input vars setting: hidden link
The memory_limit value shown here is 128M, it should be at least 256M if not 512M. max_input_vars is only 1000, that should probably be 3000. I think your IT person will need to make an adjustment to memory_limit and max_input_vars in the PHP ini settings, then redeploy / restart the server for these changes to take effect.