I need a suggestion on how to layout the post types and relationships for a site. I have tried a few things, but I am not getting the results I wanted. It may be due to using elementor as the page builder, which is preferred.
What I want to show:
Basic Wooden Axe (Title of Recipe)
(view listing possible combination of items needed in the recipe and the quantity of the items needed)
possible combinations:
knotwood x 3
magnolia tree wood x 3
non-basic wood x 3
produces item: advanced wooden axe (i haven't added this relationship yet, but was planning to add a relationship - "Produced from recipe" and then on that item page, it would link back to the post of the recipe)
Currently, I have
Post type: Recipes
Post type: Items
Post type relationship mana to many - "Recipe Ingredients" w/ custom field - "quantity"
Recipe Post - "Basic wooden axe"
Item Post - "knotwood"
Relationship between "basic wooden axe" and "knotwood" - quantiy 3
View template:
content selection: items
[wpv-post-title] x [types field="quantity"][/types]
example url:
hidden link
It shows the post title, but not the quantity. If i add the relationship to the content selection on the view, then it shows the title of the relationship multiple times, as well as the item name, but still no quantity.
Here is the relations ship of the data with example data:
Recipes using items as ingredients. The items can be used multiple times in the same recipe. The items can be in multiple recipes. There can be multiple combinations of items for a recipe. The recipe then makes an item that can be used in another recipe.
Recipe #1: basic wooden axe
Possible combinations of items for this recipe:
knotwood x 3
knotwood x1, ash wood x1, spruce x1
ash woode x 2, spruce x1
Recipe #2: Advanced wooden axe
Possible combinations of items for this recipe:
basic wooden axe (from the other recipe) x1, magic dust x 5
knotwood x 3, magic dust x 5
What am i doing wrong that I can't get the quantity to display correctly?