my site is structured with multiple taxonomies
hidden link
I would like apply a certain template on archives whose has "servizi" as taxonomy term and not the citta template but wordpress thinks the queried taxonomy is citta
How can i force wordpress to think that i'm not in citta archives but in servizi while the ?servizi exists ?
What is the template you mentioned above?
I assume we are talking about Toolset Content Template, if it is, you can try with filter hook "wpv_filter_force_template" to trigger a PHP function, in this PHP function:
Get the URL parameters, check the value:
hidden link
Then output different Content Template ID
More help:
Hi Luo,
thank you, i meant elementor template, used it because integrated in toolset
You will need to check it with elementor support, check if there is any similar filter hook for it, we are not the best source for this
I know, but elementor need toolset data to retrive the template, i also 'd need to show some data about the primary taxonomy in toolset + bootstrap
For the new question:
but elementor need toolset data to retrive the template, i also 'd need to show some data about the primary taxonomy in toolset + bootstrap
Toolset Types plugin is using standard WP function register_taxonomy() to create the custom taxonomy, so you can use standard WP function to retrieve the taxonomy terms of specific post:
I think your answers are superficial. I'll close think ticket and 'll open another to find someone to want help me.
I want to set a query term in certain scenarios
when there are two taxonomies not to retrieve the current one
As I mentioned above, there isn't such kind of built-in feature within Toolset plugins, it needs custom codes, and I have provided detail steps you might try, please have a look to my above answers.
We can do nothing here.