I have created several custom taxonomies for my posts including location and type.
I also use categories
I have created a taxonomy view for location that give me a drop down lists of all locations that have a post , these then link to relevant term archive pages.
I have the same for type.
These though show me ALL posts with locations and types.
Ideally I would like to create a set of similar filters on Category A that says only give me a list of urls for popluated location terms in Category A only and
similar filters on Category B that says only give me a list of urls for popluated location terms in Category B only
If I filter by posts I can add multiple taxonomy filters onto those results but ideally want the taxonomy fuilter as I only want lists of populated terms
Does this make sense and is it possible?
Hi there,
Thank you for contacting us and I'll be happy to assist.
Since the only connection/relationship between the different taxonomies is through the common posts, they cannot be skipped.
To get a list of URLs of the attached location terms, you can create a new post view to show on your single category archive pages, that gets all the posts with the current category term attached.
Once your view will have those posts in the loop, you can choose to show only the URLs of the attached location terms, as its output.
I hope this helps and let me know if you have any further question around this.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!