** Tell us what you are trying to do?
I have a Toolset view block on the french home page that shows the latest three posts with their publication dates. The posts are properly showing up in french, with the french formatted date, but the name of the month is appearing in english (November vs novembre). I created a separate view block just so that I could use french date formats but now this?
** What is the link to your site?
hidden link
Would you please go to WordPress Dashboard > WPML > String Translation and search for the name of the months in English by checking the "Include translations" box and see if you see instances with that.
If so please translate them.
One other thing is that on the same page please scroll down and enable the "Look for strings while pages are rendered" option.
See if it fixes the issue?
No joy. I found a few untranslated strings for 'November' when I searched in String Translation and then a few more after I did the 'Look for strings while pages are rendered'. I then cleared the server side caches and looked again. The problem persists.
Thank you, I'd appreciate it if you could give me the URL/User/Pass of your WordPress dashboard after you make sure that you have a backup of your website.
It is absolutely important that you give us a guarantee that you have a backup so if something happens you will have a point of restore.
Make sure you set the next reply as private.
Also, I need your permission to copy your website to our server if needed for further investigation.
Thank you. I tried to copy the website but it seems that I can not install any plugins as the website does not allow me. Maybe because it is part of multi-site suite.
My I know how I can install the Cloudways migratory plugin to copy the website?
hidden link
Also, as I checked the homepage I saw that you used a third party plugin block to create that date section.
Would you please use the Heading block of Toolset instead for the date option and select the dynamic field and set the H6 for that?
Then please translate the page. See if it fixes the issue for you?