I have created a custom post type 'Consultany' and a custom taxonomy 'Speciality' associated with 'Consultancy'
on the taxonomy archive page, the URL should be
hidden link
instead its,
hidden link
Site URL: hidden link
It is possible, for example, you can edit your custom taxonomy 'Speciality', in section "Options", enable option "Rewrite", option "Replace taxonomy slug with this", fill value: consultany/speciality
And don't create any "consultany" post with slug "speciality", it might conduct unexpected conflict.
More help:
and when viewing a single consultant, the URL structure should be :
hidden link
the digital-marketing part should be dynamic, its the custom taxonomy term assigned to each consultant
right now its :
hidden link
For the new question:
when viewing a single consultant, the URL structure should be
There isn't such kind of built-in feature within Toolset plugins, Toolset Types plugin is using WordPress built-in function register_post_type() to create new custom post type:
See WP document:
(string) Customize the permastruct slug. Defaults to $post_type key.
It can not use taxonomy terms in the post slug.