On page https://toolset.com/lesson-placement/lesson-placements-1620889-1622801/ I found some very helpful videos by Joe.
I was getting on very well in understanding his instructions, but when I came to chapter 3 Adding custom Post it seems the instruction videos are missing. Is this available please?
Thank you
That's a shame, I was starting to some progress with Joe's videos!
The first video in chapter 3 Creating a Custom Post Type.
Where is this to be placed. Is the assumption that an index page already exists?
Next is the creation of Custom Fields, this is added to Custom Post Type added previously.
Creating a Custom Taxonomy is covered quite well but my version seemed very different to the video.
After this the site which is on localhost developed a fault, I will need to start again. At this stage that is not a problem
As you say here is no video for the fourth video although there seems to be a list of actions to be taken.
"Go to the next step" goes to a completely different instruction
Yes the go to next step will take you to Chapter 4. In the final section of Chapter 3 it covers how you create a post which follows the same standard procedure as to how you will create a post/page in wordpress.
The first video in chapter 3 Creating a Custom Post Type.
Where is this to be placed. Is the assumption that an index page or some other page already exists?
Sorry for this question!
Thanks for the clarity I was under the impression that you were still referring to the documentation.
In response to your question. Yes the custom post can be placed on any page. If you use our Blocks plugin you can display the posts on any page you wish.
However the post will display default at the slug that it was created. For example if your post's slug is my-post and the post type is cars then the post will be displayed at. hidden link
Please let me know if this was clear.