I am trying to: I have been trying to migrate website from local host to server. I have tried various methods including duplicator, wp all in one, manual, import/export toolset plug-in and modules. However nearly all my views, content templates, archives etc are not being connected to post types etc.
This can be best seen in the screenshots of the dashboard between the localhost dashboard and hidden link dashboard.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
I expected to see:
All my views, content templates, archives migrated, with settings preserved etc.
Instead, I got:
Broken views, content templates, archives etc.
If you are using a plugin such as duplicator or All in One WP migration then you shouldn't be losing content or settings in this way.
Obviously I can't access your localhost to take a backup myself, and I need to see the before not the after (for which I have credentials).
All in One WP Migration is normally pretty foolproof. Can you from your localhost take a backup with it accepting all of the default settings.
You can share a link to the archive on dropbox or similar here. I can use the same login credentials that you provided for the online site? (If not I'll need to set up a private reply.)
Sorry Nigel, with All in one WP migration I had to look at resorting to another method as the site was over the free file size limit. I have thought of purchasing the pro version but have been reluctant to without knowing if it's actually going to resolve the issue for me. I will send you a copy of the duplicator archive + install file as a start. Really appreciate your support.
Here is a link to a dropbox file with the duplicator files. To be honest I've had problems with the installer of duplicator and have generally been having to resort to the manual archive option rather than auto.
I'm just downloading those now and will install and let you know what I find.
FYI you can use the free version of All in One WP Migration to generate large archives, you only need the pro version to install them (meaning it is fine to provide support with large archives as we can handle those).
I don't have control of php version but will see if I can arrange for it to be changed. I am currently attempting Wp all in one migration using pro version, if not successful I will see with host about changing php version.
Will let you know shortly if test with php 7.2.4 would be useful, the hosting service uses plesk not sure if this is some of the issue with using duplicator?
It worked for me with Duplicator, if it didn't for you on your server there is no reason to think it will with All in One WP Migration Pro, so you shouldn't need to buy that, you should also be able to get it to work with Duplicator.
I don't know if the PHP version is the cause of the problem, but if so it might be a Toolset problem, not Duplicator. (You said you had tried other methods such as exporting/importing the Types settings etc.)