I used the article below to help me plan for data migration:
I applied my situation to the example in the article resulting in the below:
“Resource” can be one of three types, Lesson Plan, Learning Activity, or Classroom Resource. All three are set up with a similar relationship structure, so I’ll use Lesson Plan as my example.
One Lesson Plan can have many standards and one standard can be connected to many lesson plans. This is how the many-many relationship structure looks. lp2s acts as the intermediary.
Shown below, the query results in five records. The planid and lp_id match, but the standard id (tblstandards ID) is different for every record since each one points to a different standard.
Go to hidden link to see the actual output. Notice that there are five standards related to this lesson plan, matching the query output above.
So, I know how to do the following:
Create Custom Post types “Standards” and “Lesson Plans.”
Create custom fields for each post type.
Apply one-one or one-many relationships on import using WPAllImport Pro
Here is where my understanding of repeatable field groups vs Many-Many Relationships with Intermediary gets murky.
Could I combine all the standard id’s related to a Lesson Plan into a repeatable field group in the Lesson Plans custom post type, then do a one-many, Lesson Plans >> Standards relationship? OR, should I create an intermediary custom post type and import all intermediary data from my database that links Lesson Plans to related Standards in a Many-Many relationship?
I need to be able to see all Standards related to a Lesson Plan and all Lesson Plans related to a Standard. Thanks!