I am trying to migrate a WordPress installation using ACF to Types. When I click on the 'Manage with Types' option in Post Field Control, it only imports the ACF field as a basic text field. Is there no way to import this as a field type: check boxes or radio buttons?
This installation has over 5000 posts, so manually recreating these selections is impossible.
No, there is no way to import complex fields as we do not know what syntax they require.
Unfortunately, only "simple" fields can usually be ported, this is not an unknown limitation, as each plugin usually follows its own syntaxes and ways to handle the data.
You can always click on the "Change type" link and try to change the type, but you will not be able to convert "simple" to "complex" fields, and Types automatically has to assume a "simple" field - as we cannot read the other's software syntax out of the box.
That's unfortunately. ACF is such an industry standard plugin I assumed there would be a solution that would allow this? Surely they only have one syntax for each field type?
No, there is no inbuilt system in Toolset that allows this.
For example, a select field will have a certain syntax.
A WYSIWYG another, and eventually a gallery filed once more a complex other syntax.
Can I ask why you need to move the Plugins after the content is created in such amounts?
Eventually, we could come up with some helper script, but I fear there is not much we can do, but I want to discuss it with the developers after I know more about the specific requirements you have, can you outline the reasons and goals?
This may as well help other users later.
We have imported a Joomla site with K2 to WordPress. The migration software creates all the fields in ACF, and I build in Toolset, so I want to move all the fields over to Toolset.
Many of the ACF fields are selectable lists - simple rows with multiple options when one can select one option. I'd like to move those over to Types.
You can migrate to Toolset directly, I think, there is no need to use the ACF plugin in the migration.
You could create the Fields in Types, and populate them with a CSV file, for example, when you import the posts.
I see however that this is how the service provides this migration.
I will see if we can offer help with this, otherwise, I will have to refer to the Contractors, who could help eventually with custom migration scripts
Thanks Beda
The fields are showing as 'Select' fields in ACF - I've attached a screengrab.
ciao, Ian
I will update you here when I have news from our developers and management about what we plan to do for these cases.
Until then, it is not possible to migrate Fields from ACF above what you can do in the "Control / Manage with Types" features.
Solutions are to rebuild the fields or to contact a contractor to apply a custom code that converts those fields data to Toolset compatible data.
I have news about this.
For now, it is only possible to take control over other Custom fields by Types as you can see in the adequate screens (Post Fields Control).
We do not actively plan to add specific migration logic for ACF or any other Plugin / Code above that, right now, but are open to discussions.
1. If you already built and populated all those fields to a point of no return, we suggest to keep ACF, and not use Types.
You should still be able to use Views, for example, to query those fields, as long those follow the WordPress Custom Fields logic.
2. We need to know the exact reason behind such a migration since those fields should work as well with Toolset's other components. This would allow us to recognize the value you see in Types and enhance that for you as well as allowing an eventual migration tailored to those scenarios.
For now, I suggest to keep ACF Fields, if you want to keeo their formats and features
Hi Beda
I would prefer to keep the site in Types rather than mixing Types and ACF. However, the developer of the migration plugins (hidden link - excellent Joomla and Drupal migration solutions) has just today released a version which writes to Toolset and not just ACF, so I'm trying that now. The ACF fields were all lists of content, which don't work with Types, so taking over control of the fields didn't work.
Please keep this thread open and I'll report back when I know more.
That sounds very interesting, I am sure we would like to blog post about these migrations from Joomla and others!
Please keep me in the loop.
Thank you
After developing the form of post and views with ACF, I discover that you are not compatible.
I would like to migrate ACF to Toolset, but there is no documentation that tells how this occurs.
I have about 4 plugins that are based on ACF that use the fields. I am disappointed because after losing days creating post form and it is not possible to save the data in ACF fields.
Doubts :
Toolset can create a form in the admin of the post to be filled?
Could I migrate the ACF fields to the Toolset fields?
I was in love with Toolset, but after that discovery I was sad.
If they could create a way to talk to ACf it would be interesting.
Or another option would be when you installed Toolset, the fields of ACF could be filled by those of Toolset, and thus generate new fields so that we can work without losing all the old data in ACF, something of the type
time (ACF field)
tool_time (Toolset field).
I'm very sad that I can not use Toolset!