How do I set up these links on the menu? Like the ones you are using on your site.
(see screenshot form my Toolset acccount) How do you achieve that? (Specially Logout and My suport tickets)
- Logout link works.
- How do I add the user name on the menu?
- How about showing the login menu for logged out users and account name and manu for logged in users only?
- How do I set up the newsletter management fields?
- The My suport tickets page: prety much like what you have here on Toolset site. A page where users can see Subscribed Forum Topoics, Favorite forum topics and topics created
These questions in your thread are not directly related to Toolset itself but wordpress in general. I cannot guide on specifically how to achieve each as these fall out of the scope of our support forum.
However let me see what I can do. - How do I add the user name on the menu?
However I don't believe that the wordpress menu allows for shortcodes to be added to it so you will probably need to make use of the plugin below.
- How about showing the login menu for logged out users and account name and manu for logged in users only?
- How do I set up the newsletter management fields?
Not sure what you mean by this as this on our site is something completely custom.
- The My suport tickets page: prety much like what you have here on Toolset site. A page where users can see Subscribed Forum Topoics, Favorite forum topics and topics created
Our forum page isn't built with Toolset but its a highly customized version of BBPress.
Newsletter management:
- How do I create the fields and make them show on a page what I will call Newsletter namangement so users can chose their preferences?
- How do I add those fields to the registeer form?
I'm still not 100% clear on this. Newsletter management:
- How do I create the fields and make them show on a page what I will call Newsletter namangement so users can chose their preferences?
- How do I add those fields to the registeer form?
Is it that users will be able to see a post and subscribe to that post ?
You can create the fields and display them using our Blocks and Types plugin but I need a clear direction or the scope in order to give a proper response.
Basically, I want users to be able to selec newsletter subscription during registration.
- So I need to add the newsletter fields to the registration form
- then create the newsletter management page (like the one you have here on Do I get a notification when users change their newsletter preferences on this page?
Ok so this newsletter option is completely custom and not related to our Toolset plugins. This functionality is actually apart of BBpress you will need to consult the BBpress support team in order to get any additional information on this one.