When I visit standard blog posts and the custom posts on the front-end I can see that with the standard posts the header includes various "mega" widgets but with the associato posts that have a content template assigned those are not included.
That is odd, because the Toolset content templates only affect the content part of the page and have nothing to do with the header.
It only happens when the content template is assigned to the post type, not otherwise.
I'm taking a copy of your site to intall locally where I can debug this.
It make take a little time so please bear with me, I'll let you know when I have found something.
Well, I can see from the internal tickets that the compatibility team have identified somewhere within our code where we may be able to fix the issue, and that has been passed on to the relevant developer. It is still in progress, but is included in the current development board which means that a fix can hopefully be included by the time of the next release of Views/Blocks.
No, the affected product is Blocks (or Views), yesterday's updates are not related.
The internal ticket is still on the board for the current dev cycle although it is not fixed yet. I've left a comment reminding them that you are awaiting a fix.
Unfortunately I don't have one, but looking at the notes from the tester in the compatibility team they proposed a minor change in our code to resolve the problem.
It needs to go through the developers to confirm the solution is suitable, and I'm not sure when they will do that.
But in the meantime I've prepared a patched version of the affected file, which you can download a zip of here: hidden link
You'll need to use FTP to overwrite the existing file at wp-content/plugins/wp-views/application/controller/compatibility/elementor.php
But please note this hasn't been tested, so I can't say for sure that it won't have any side-effects.
So only update the file once you have a current backup, and then do some general testing of pages where Toolset and Elementor may overlap to see they still function okay.