In order to create a masonry the way you did on the previous ticket, with loading the script and using <div class="masonry-grid"> markup, you will have to use a view that will query the anecdotes directly. Unfortunately, there is no way in Toolset to filter by the grand parent. However, this can be done by custom coding.
You can do it, either by creating a custom shortcode that will return the results or by hooking into the view's query. In both cases, you will need to use the Toolset relationships API, using toolset_get_related_post or toolset_get_related_posts
Passing results to the view:
The idea is to do the query and pass the results to the view, the view will then render the results. You will pass the results this way:
[wpv-view name="my-anecdotes-view" ids="[my-custom-shortcode grandparent="[wpv-post-id]"]"]
The custom shortcode will use the toolset_get_related_posts to get the "Peliculas" and go through each one to get the Anecdotas. This can also be done with two views(nested), similar to the current way, but that return only the ids separated by ",".
Code for the view:
[wpv-view name="my-anecdotes-view" ids="[wpv-view name="my-rutas-peliculas-ids"]"]
The code for the "my-rutas-peliculas-ids" view will be similar to:
[wpv-items-found]<!-- wpv-loop-start --><wpv-loop>[wpv-view name="my-pelicula-anecdotas-ids"],</wpv-loop><!-- wpv-loop-end -->[/wpv-items-found]
Notice the "," after the nested view.
And the code for the "my-pelicula-anecdotas-ids" view will be similar to:
[wpv-items-found]<!-- wpv-loop-start --><wpv-loop>[wpv-post-id"],</wpv-loop><!-- wpv-loop-end -->[/wpv-items-found]
Filtering the view
The idea is to use the Views filter to modify the view's query and use the post__in parameter to pass the results of the grandchildren ids.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.