I am trying to figure out if there is a simple way to load an Elementor popup after a user submits a CRED form? My goal is to simply make a sequential step by step process to filling out 3 forms. They are 3 forms because they are 3 separate custom post types. So, once someone submits CPT A form, I created an Elementor Popup saying "Would you like to add CPT B?" With Yes/No buttons in the popup. Same thing once that is completed, I have another popup that says "Would you like to add CPT C?" and I want to have that display after CPT B form is submitted.
If there is a more simple step-by-step process I can offer users, I'm also open to alternative option?
Thank You!
There isn't such kind of built-in feature within Toolset Forms plugin, as a workaround, you can try with the option "After visitors submit this form: Display a message instead of the form..."
In above message content, display the page links for creating other "CPT B" and "CPT C" posts
Okay thanks I'll do that. Is there a way to keep the forms CPT B and C hidden until the user selects the "Yes" option when the message displays, which has an anchor tag to the direct link of the form? This way it will make it more iterative, because they will only see one form at a time
You don't need to display those three post forms in same page, you can put them in three different pages, so each form won't display until user click the link, and redirect to the specific page.
Okay so I'm going to do that. I have one more question: Is there any way to auto-fill the CPT A field relationship when CPT B page displays? Since I know a user is only inputting successive connecting posts, I don't need them to fill in the info they just filled out in the previous form, rather just have it automatically stored/set in the field (and possibly hidden altogether).
Thank You!
You can use Forms filter hook "cred_success_redirect" to pass the new "CPT A" post ID as URL parameter to "CPT B" page:
In the "CPT B" post form, use above URL parameter to setup the default value of "CPT A" relationship field.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!