I assume we are talking about this case:
Custom post type "Stories" + "Some other CPT", they both share the same taxonomy "sub-topic", the URL you mentioned above is a single "Stroy" post hidden link
And you are going to display term's post counts on only "Stroy" posts.
If it is, there isn't such kind of feature within shortcode [wpv-post-taxonomy], it will output the count value as all posts assigned to the specific term.
In you case, you can consider setup a nested view, for example:
1) Parent view list terms of taxonomy "sub-topic"
filter by:
Taxonomy is set by the page where this View is inserted
In view's loop, display the term's title + below child view
but now it is showing repeated numbers of the count, see screenshot 1
and it is not showing the top 5 (see screenshot 2)... I want to only show 5 taxonomies with the most post count. it should not be showing taxonomies that has no count.
Okay that's better! - but one problem still remains.
You can see in hidden link that the topics are not ordered by the number of posts in the subtopic.
Accessibility has 1 while Alternative Teaching Methods has 2 but Accessibility came first...
I am having the same ordering problem in the list here in hidden link
it's not ordering by number of posts in that sub topic. I do have it set to "Terms of the taxonomy Sub Topics, limit to 5 items ordered by term count, descending"
but it's not looking at only the number of stories, it's looking at the number of sub topics overall. I'm not sure how to fix the ordering.
I assume we are talking about the taxonomy view: hidden link
If you order the result by the "Post count", the view will order the result by "count" column, that column will count all posts of all other post type attached with the terms, for example, you can get the order in wordpress backend: hidden link
Luo has a day off today. He will get back tomorrow. I will try to help you for now.
The reason why the "Accessibility" term is showing first is that you are filtering your taxonomy view by post count and if you see the data term "Accessibility" and "Alternative Teaching Methods" both have 4 post count. so that is why the term "Accessibility" and "Alternative Teaching Methods" sit one after another ins result.
Now, once you display the term name - you are filtering your result with the nested view to find count but as both terms have same post count 4 and "Accessibility" sits first in the result, it displays accessibility first.
You need to fina a way to filter results when one or more term has same post count.
Correct - that is what I'm saying . It's not looking at the found-count number (as displayed in the screenshot above) and sorting by that number. It looks at the subtopic post count instead. That is the wrong number to look at. So. I still need a way to resolve this problem and Minesh's suggestion does not tell me how.
There isn't such kind of built-in feature with such kind of nested view, as I mentioned above:
please have a look to your own website here: hidden link
see screenshot acc.JPG
Both terms "Accessibility" and "Alternative Teaching Methods" have been assigned to 4 posts, so it conducts the problem: Accessibility is not last
In the taxonomy view: hidden link
If you order the result by the "Post count", the view will order the result by "count" column, that column will count all posts of all other post type attached with the terms
There isn't such kind of feature to order the result by post count of child view.
Then should I reverse the nested views to be the child view be listing of taxonomies and then the parent view stories with the taxonomies passed so the ordering can be correct?