I am trying to: Remove the featured image in a post single view using layouts
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I expected to see: No featured Image
Instead, I got: Featured image displayed by the theme.
My Layout includes the Content Template specifically for the post type single.
The theme I'm using is GeneratePress Version: 2.1.2
All of my Toolset plugins are updated to the latest versions.
I know I can use the GeneratePress via the customizer to remove the featured image but I don't want to do that for all post types.
My Layout includes the Content Template specifically for the post type single.
This might be the problem, because Content Templates have Theme Options settings that may be causing problems with the Layout Theme Options. In general, I do not recommend having a Content Template applied to a post type and a Template Layout assigned to the same post type. Please try these steps:
- Temporarily deactivate the Layouts plugin
- Edit the Content Template applied to this post type and change the usage so that it is no longer assigned to the Event single post.
- Edit this Event post and unassign any Content Template that is applied to this Event.
- Reactivate Layouts and test the Event post again.
Let me know the results and we can go from there.
Followed along with your instructions but there was no change.
Can you please take a screenshot showing the Layout Editor screen in wp-admin for the Events single post Layout?
Please remove the Content Template cell from this Layout, then save and test again. If the problem is resolved, then you can edit the Content Template, copy all the code, and paste it in the Layout in a Visual Editor cell instead of using a Content Template cell.
If the problem is not resolved, I will have to take a closer look.
Content template cell deleted.
I have two events, both still show the title and image.
May I log in and take a look at your wp-admin area? I will activate private reply fields here.
Thank you, I see now. The GP Premium plugin seems to be causing the conflict here. If I go to Appearance > GeneratePress I see several options here. If I deactivate Blog or Page Header, the featured image display Theme Options work as expected. So are both of these settings required for other features on your site? If not, then disabling one should resolve the problem. If so, then another option is to go to Appearance > Customize > Layout > Blog and you can deactivate Featured Images for Posts. Again, this has an effect on the rest of your site so it may not be appropriate. Let me know your thoughts and we can go from there.
I'm a little confused 🙂
As I said in my first post, I understand that I can disable the title and featured image using the GeneratePress Pro feature but that does it for all post types.
Since Layouts has the option to disable the featured image and/or post title, I assumed that I could do so on a per Layout or per post type basis. If not, then I'm unsure why Layout has the option.
Or, are you saying that Layouts has the feature for GeneratePress without Pro and the Pro module is causing the problem?
I *think* it's a bug so if I could just report it, work around it, then move on that would be great. It's not really a massive deal to me but if it worked the way I think it should work that would be nice.
Or, are you saying that Layouts has the feature for GeneratePress without Pro and the Pro module is causing the problem?
Correct. Layouts can manage the featured image display on a per-Layout basis using the Theme Options panel if either the GP Premium plugin is deactivated, or if the global setting in the GP Premium plugin is disabled for Blog and Page Header.
With GP Pro enabled, the results are completely inconsistent.
If the Layout options to disable the title and featured image are going to work that way (seemingly random) then perhaps those options should be removed?
I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out why this doesn't work with the answer being "it doesn't work".
With GP Pro enabled, the results are completely inconsistent.
Please show me specific examples of this inconsistency, or step-by-step instructions for me to replicate it. I'll take a look and see if there's anything we can do to make this more predictable.
The title display is inconsistent when an featured image is used or not.
The login credentials I was using no longer work, can you check? I will reactivate private reply fields here. Please provide login credentials that work, and specific example posts where I can see the inconsistency problem.