I have a few problems since i have uploaded new WordPress and New Toolset Extensions.
I have already tried to use Basic WordPress template, and make off all extensions and the problem was the same.
I hope you could resolve this problem quickly.
Exemples of problems :
When i want update this page : hidden link
Sometime is white page, or sometime when i want to update i can not move or delete part of the layout
And it is the samething with lot of pages
I can see JavaScript in several Visual Editor cells. This isn't supported, and is likely to cause problems. If you open the browser console, you can see JavaScript errors related to this code. JavaScript should be placed in Toolset > Layouts CSS & JS, or in a separate JavaScript file enqueued by your theme. It should not be placed in Layouts Visual Editor cells. To fix this, I suggest you edit the post and click "Stop using Content Layout Editor", then delete any JavaScript and save the post. At that time, you should be able to use the Content Layout Editor again.
No i don't think it is the only problem.
I have make a movie for you, hidden link
As you can see when i want to add page, it doesn't work, even if i don't use layout yet. All website is blocked....
I'm not able to replicate this problem with only Toolset Starter, Types, Views and Layouts active. I'm uploading a video for you here: hidden link
I can try some more troubleshooting by reactivating other plugins one by one, but I need FTP access.
I have one question more, how we can use Toolset Layout to make single page ? Because with gutemberg i see how i can add view, map, content template, but how i can design page with toolset ?
Using Gutenberg and Layouts at the same time is not recommended: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/how-toolset-plugins-work-with-gutenberg/#can-i-use-layouts-and-gutenberg-at-the-same-time
Let me try to get the most up-to-date information about this, because I'm not completely sure how the Gutenberg system and Content Layouts will work together. Stand by and I'll update you soon.
hi, i wait.
But it is strange because what i see is when we update a old post, we can use layout for post/page, but when we create a new page/post, i don't see how i can use Layout to design the page.
I have to develop my site and i don't know what i have to do....
Thanks a lot
Okay here's an update about using Content Templates and Gutenberg together. The most recent version of Types (3.2.3) includes the ability to select the type of editor per post. This means you can enable the Gutenberg editor to edit in the new block editor, or you can enable the Classic editor to use Content Layouts.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!
You are the best. Again....