Hi there and happy new year!
Would I like to ask if it is possible to define a keyword search field that works with ajax or do I need to specify a search button?
You actually don't need to have a search button for this. Once the user finishes typing their keyword the search should run. This however will only occur if you have the setting "AJAX results update when visitors change any filter values" enabled under the "Custom Search Settings "
Please let me know if I was able to clarify for you.
Currently it seems that it is required that you have the submit button for the text search. The user can also press the enter button even though there is no submit button on the form.
I've tested both methods on my end and they work fine.
Right now it seems that our search box doesn't support a live search and seems to be a feature to be requested. I would suggest going to the link below to submit a feature request for this live text search box. https://toolset.com/home/contact-us/suggest-a-new-feature-for-toolset/