I had a chat with Jamil today s I want to select a special images size for an image in a view with a loop of posts.
I de- and reactivated all plugins and found out that Jetpack is causing the trouble: If Jetpack is (!) activated, but not (!) connected I can see the images setting area of the image block where I can select a special size for the image in the loop.
But when I connect my website with Jetpack, this setting option disappears!
Any idea, how to fix this?
Kind regards, Martin
Just for clarification: 2 images - with and without the "image size" option...
Hello and thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Maybe this happens because Jetpack also offers an image CDN service. Which means that the images will be served from Jetpack servers instead of the website's server. hidden link
Please add the following line of code to your child theme's functions.php file or in a Toolset custom code snippet:
add_filter( 'jetpack_photon_development_mode', '__return_true' );
If this does not help, we'll need to reproduce this on our platform so I can escalate it to our 2nd Tier. I created a test site, you can log into it using this URL hidden link
Please reproduce the issue on it and let me escalate this to our 2nd Tier.