I am trying to edit custom fields with a editor user, but I see that fields only with admin role. How could I enable the custom fields with an editor user, too?
Hi Ivan, are you trying to edit the custom field values in a post? See pic house-in-editor.png - this is an example of a custom post type with custom fields shown in the editor. In the picture, the Screen Options tab is up in the top right. You can click that and toggle display for different parts of the page. Can you confirm that you have checked the custom fields in Screen Options? Each user must set these checkboxes independently.
Hi Christian, thank you for the answer. I've checked the Screen Options but there isn't the checkbox "custom fields" or any checkbox relative to that.
It seems like the custom fields for the custom post are enabled for the admin but not for the other user roles like Editor...
I see, thanks for checking. As a test, please temporarily disable all plugins except Toolset Types and activate a default WordPress theme like twentyseventeen. Do the custom fields appear now for your Editor?
Thank for the support Christian, but I've found a bug inside a widget, then I've resolved the problem. Thanks for all!