Tell us what you are trying to do?
I want a way to count how many items are within a post type or taxonomies, and display this on the front end for users to see.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
You would need to use the legacy editor for Views to achieve this.
To count how many posts there are published of some type you would create a View that queries that post type, and then in the output section simply uses the wpv-found-count shortcode to output the number of results.
You can do the same to count the number of terms belonging to a taxonomy by creating a View that queries the taxonomy (instead of posts), and—again—outputs the number of results using the same wpv-found-count shortcode.
If you are unfamiliar with the legacy editor, you will need to enable it at Toolset > Settings (you may want to expose both the block and legacy editors), then you can create a View at Toolset > Views. (Choose to create a View that shows all results.)
Set up the Content Selection as required, then go down to the loop output section. Insert the wpv-found-shortcode after the wpv-items-found shortcode, like so:
Hi, thanks for the detailed reply, I have got the count working on the post types, but when I try to create a view for taxonomy and view it using the view block, it gives the following error
" Error while retrieving the View preview. The selected View (ID: undefined) was not found."
It also shows as blank when I try to select the taxonomy view I just created. (see screenshot) there should be 3 taxonomy views there.
I am using a taxonomy called factions, this then has 3 separate sub-factions within. So I would need to add a filter (in Edit View) to select 1 of these factions?
Taxonomy Views are not supported in the block editor, only post Views.
You can insert the View using a wpv-view shortcode, which can be entered into a block.
The easiest way to generate the required shortcode is to add a Fields and Text block, switch to HTML mode, then use the little Toolset icon to open what is known as the Fields and Views button, and from the resulting dialog you should be able to choose your taxonomy View(s) from the bottom.
You can edit the shortcode to add any attributes as required.