This is a simple inquiry. I will repeat the title of my request...
Is there a shortcode to restore a deleted post from a view?
I assume you are going to change a trashed post to publied status.
You can try Toolset Forms plugin:
1) Create a post view:
- Query posts
- Fitler by post status filter:
Select posts with status of trash
- In view's loop, display below form shortcode
2) Create a post form for editing post
- Option "Set this post status" choose "Published"
- in section "Form editor", display only two items: "Form message" + "Submit button"
After user submit the form, it will be able to change post status to published.
This solution does not work. I created the post view that displays only trashed posts. I created the form with only the messages and submit button, and placed the form shortcode inside the loop for each trashed item.
When I submit the form for one of the trashed items, it does not restore the post ... it creates an auto draft. I will attach a photo, so you can see.
It is supposed to work, please make sure your are using a post form for editing post.
If you still need assistance for it, please provide a test site with the same problem, also point out the problem page URL and form URL, I need a live website to test and debug.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!