Tell us what you are trying to do?
I would like to build a community events calendar on the website I have developed - already using toolset extensively. This would display what is going on for people in and around the town and use toolset to provide roles based access to a form to update the calendar events. I have already used toolset to allow role based access to various other parts of the site to add shops or activities etc. The site (and the toolset license) is paid for by the community council which is a voluntary organisation for the good of the town.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
As I believe the feature I require does not exist - no.
Is there a similar example that we can see?
Look at This is using the events calendar with add ons for community access and a filter bar. Basically the council is paying for this because the functionality does not exist in toolset (unless you can tell me otherwise...)
What is the link to your site?
I have seen the blog from 2019 with suggestions a calendar view was being developed. Has this ceased? Money given for software licenses is money not going to community kitchens etc so reducing costs is always at the top of the priorities.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
I totally understand that the cost is the prime factor when running NGO or community but the fact is that "calendar view" feature has been put on hold in favor of other more critical predefined priorities like hotfixes and other widely requested features.
You can build such view and add such filters but at some point you will have to bit comrpomise with layout or some features where it will require to use little or more filter hooks etc..
All I really need is to control access to the free calendar events using your forms. Are there any instructions how to do this? (tribe events?)
Sugar calendar already offer integration with various form wordpress plugins. Has integration with sugar calendar (or any other simple calendar) been considered?
Sugar calendar already offer integration with various form wordpress plugins. Has integration with sugar calendar (or any other simple calendar) been considered?
I do not have any handon experince with Sugar calendar. You can always check and build a test site and run a test.