Tell us what you are trying to do?
I'm enquiring if plugins can be integrated with toolset while the development pause is in place?
I would like to see
hidden link
integrated with Toolset, and have read that it is a co-operative job (thats how I understand it) between Toolset and the other plugins developer
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Is there a similar example that we can see?
What is the link to your site?
Toolset plugins are just like other WordPress plugins, we provide lots of API hooks(action + filter hooks), see our document:
For example, in Toolset Maps plugin, there is a document about how to change the Google Map API URL:
If you need other custom codes support, you might need to check our Toolset contractors:
Currently, Toolset Maps plugin supports both Google Map and Azure Maps.
If you need other kind of maps, you can add a feature request:
Our developers will evaluate it.
I am aware of those things, but it is not an answer to my question.
The integration I am seeking is like these two examples
which is work only the plugin authors can do.
Thanks for those two examples, you are asking for new features(integration with Maps Marker plugin), please add feature a request here:
Our developers will evaluate it.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!