I am trying to:
Use infinite scrolling on a list
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
hidden link
I expected to see:
When scrolling at the bottom, 12 elements should be added.
Instead, I got:
The first time you scroll at bottom the next 12 elements REPLACES the first 12. after that the 12 elements are added at bottom as it should be.
Can I share the credentials now? here?
Hi Luca,
Please share the login details of the cloned website in reply to this message.
Your next reply will be private.
Hi Luca,
The login details work and I'm now logged in to the admin area.
I'll get back to you, as soon as I'll find something.
Thank you for your patience.
Hi Luca,
Thank you for waiting.
When I checked the "Esercizi" page on the cloned website ( hidden link ), it didn't have the same issue and the first group of posts stayed after more posts were loaded.
(unlike the original page: hidden link )
Further troubleshooting showed that the cloned page didn't have the "Personal Trainer" banner at the bottom, which shows on the actual page, just before more results are loaded.
( screenshot: hidden link )
If you'll check the markup of both pages, you'll also note that on the cloned page, after the first 12 results, there is an HTML comment line from the Views plugin:
<!-- WPV_Infinite_Scroll -->
( screenshot: hidden link )
But on the live page, that line is replaced by some custom code:
<div class="A-esercizi-adv">
( screenshot: hidden link )
I'll recommend checking the live page and see how that banner is loading and make sure that it should not be removing the default markup elements from the Views plugin.
I hope these points will help.
I removed the banner. On the live I still can't see the <!-- WPV_Infinite_Scroll -->
the cloned istance was a duplicate of the live. Really strange that it works on the cloned one but not on the original. I'll keep testing on live but may still need help to understand.
Even on a new "view"
hidden link
filtering only "pages"
just a div with the title
3 page per "page"
still the problem
I am duplicating again the live. this time with the theme and plugins all on.
I may need to share again the credentials to this new clone.
No sense
Duplicated the exact copy of live
on the cloned it works
hidden link
changed nothing
the only difference is the domain.
I'll try to change to ironmanager.academy and installing an SSL.
I assigned the domain ironmanager.academy to the cloned one. installed an SSL and it stopped working the infinite scrolling.
before assigning the domain all was ok on the test.
in fact the EX ironmanager.academy installation now works
hidden link
this is the application that was ironmanager.academy
no idea what is happening.
is it the domain? should I test another domain?
Hi Luca,
Thank you for sharing the update and sorry to learn that the issue still persists on the live website.
Most of the times issues like these are a result of either cache or code optimization plugin on the website or some optimizations are the server level.
Please make sure that on a live website there is no plugin active, which can remove the HTML comments, during code minification. Also, check with the hosting's support team to see if any optimizations are applied at the server/CDN level.
changed the domain of the first installation (the one that was ironmanager.academy before)
changed to hidden link
installed SSL too
all works fine
it seems to have problem only with the .academy domain.
this is a serious issue.
I need further assistance. I'll provide a test clone with a subdomain. ex test.ironmanager.academy
I need another private post to provide the credentials.
I'll test if the problem is on cloudflare settings
Ok, solved by disabling CLOUDFLARE CDN html minifization
Nice to know ?
Thanks for the help provided.
p.s. thank you very much Waqar for assisting me!! let me know if there is a place where I can leave a review on your support