Tell us what you are trying to do? index the custom post types with all custom fields, title and description in the main website search
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Is there a similar example that we can see?
What is the link to your site? hidden link
Dear Franco,
You can add custom fields, title and description into Relevanssi’s Search Index, then use Relevanssi to control the wordpress built-in search. See our document:
Searching Texts in Custom Fields with Views and Relevanssi
You mean that we have to change the main search widget with the Relevanssi search?
No, I means this:
You don't need to change the main search widget, you can use Relevanssi plugin to customize the search query filters.
Please check their document:
Search comments, tags, categories and custom fields.
But shall we buy the premium version for that?
Please check the document I mentioned above:
Required plugins: Relevanssi, Free or Premium
So you can use the free version, it should work without problem.