There's a .htaccess (I think) restriction on accessing the URL I provided. Just enter the WordPress username and password I provided. They're the same.
I am trying to:
I have a view set up to display author bio, and the view is filtered by the ids parameter in the shortcode.
[wpv-view name="personal-bio" ids="3904"]
My post template uses the following shortcode and it displays properly:
{!{wpv-conditional if="( '{!{wpv-post-id item="@article-author.parent"}!}' ne '' )"}!}
[wpv-view name="personal-bio" ids="{!{wpv-post-id item="@article-author.parent"}!}"]
URL: /this-holiday-season-put-some-swank-in-your-strut/
And in my author page template, I'd use the following shortcode but I'd get a no items found error
[wpv-view name="personal-bio" ids="{!{wpv-post-id}!}"]
URL: /person-category/team/
Just click into any one of the team members
So I created a page to test hardcoded parameters, and I tried
[wpv-view name="personal-bio" ids="3903"]
[wpv-view name="personal-bio" ids="3904"]
The code with 3903 worked but 3904 didn't. After a while, without changing the query filter in my view, both hardcoded shortcodes started working.
URL: /view-personal-bio/
I've even tried hardcoding IDs into the query filter fo the view itself, and was getting inconsistent output from time to time.
Please look into this, thank you.
I have done below modification in your website:
Edit view "Personal Bio", in section "Query Options", disable the option "Don't include current page in query result", please test again, check if it is fixed. thanks
Yes, it's fixed now. Thank you so much. I can't believe it's that simple.