Thanks for providing login credentials here. I am reviewing the content of your site and your previous comments. You said:
"I just want a form where users can submit post in front end with relationship post"
Let's use the Posts Albums many-to-many relationship as an example. From the single Album page, I would like to be able to connect that Album to any existing Post. That is the goal for this exercise. The steps I followed are shown here:
I created a new Relationship Form called "Connect a given Album with any Post". You can find that Form here: hidden link
Following the instructions on the Relationship Form Editor, the next step is to create an editing-mode template and insert the Relationship Form in the template. However, your case is special because Elementor templates are involved. Any time you have Elementor templates and Toolset's Content Templates used together, there will be problems. First I tried using Content Templates, as recommended. I created a new Content Template, "Edit or Connect to Given Posts Albums Relationship Form". You can find the template here: hidden link
I left the template unassigned, and I inserted the Relationship Form. When I inserted the Form, a popup is shown and I have to choose what I want to do. See rel-form-settings.png. In this case, I want to connect a given Album to any Post, and the given Album is the current Album, because we will place this link in the Album template.
Next I edited the single Album template so I can add a link to this new Relationship Form:
hidden link
Using a Text element, I inserted the shortcode for displaying this Relationship Form.
The result was a link that does not work, because Elementor's template overrides Toolset's template and displays the post instead of the Form. So the solution is to place the Relationship Form on a separate Page and link to that Page with URL parameters. I created a Page here: hidden link
This Page contains a Relationship Form shortcode:
[cred-relationship-form form='connect-a-given-album-to-any-post' child_item='[wpv-search-term param="album_id"]']
Note that I have set the Album using a shortcode attribute "album_id". Now we need to set up a link to this Page using the proper URL parameter. To do that, I edited the Elementor Template used to display single Albums:
hidden link
I added the following HTML to link to the new Page containing the Relationship Form:
<a href="/connect-albums-and-posts/?album_id=[wpv-post-id]">Connect [wpv-post-title] to any Post</a>
You can see the link now at any Album post, like this one:
hidden link
If you click the link you will be directed here:
hidden link
Then you can select any Post that is not already connected to this Album, and establish the relationship between these two posts. I connected Filhaal Lyrics to this Album, and then the Relationship Form redirected me to the Album post I was viewing before I went to the Relationship Form: hidden link
This is just one example of how you can use Relationship Forms. If you want to discuss a different specific example, please provide more details about what you want to accomplish.