Tell us what you are trying to do? I have created views but now If I turn off the views plugin, how do I use Blocks to generate those views. Should I be using views or blocks?
Is there any documentation that you are following? No
Is there a similar example that we can see? Not sure.
The Views and the Blocks plugins are virtually the same—which is why you should activate one or the other—the difference is in the UI which is exposed by default. With each you can go to Toolset > Settings and switch between the new and classic UI's for creating Views, and you can also enable both at the same time.
The expectation is that new users will use Blocks, so that they don't have to learn the old shortcode-based UI of Views. (They might need to if they try to do things which the new version doesn't support yet, such as taxonomy or user Views, or nested Views, but these are all in the pipeline.)
Existing users, familiar with the classic UI for Views, are likely to continue on the Views track, but may want to enable both the new and classic UI in the settings so that they can try our the new interface for creating Views in place on a page using blocks.
Views created this way cannot be edited using the classic UI, but you can insert classic Views into a page made with blocks.
The new UI for creating Views is just part of the blocks-based enhancement. The other is the introduction of many Toolset specific blocks, which you can use on pages and posts like any other block, as well as when designing Content Templates for your post types. Both plugins include this, but check the settings for which is the default editor for creating Content Templates.
There is also a hybrid approach when making Views, inasmuch as you can create a View with the classic UI, using the Loop Wizard to add fields to the output which are contained in a linked template, and you could then design that template with the Block editor.