I simply want to add a Custom Field Type to Slider Revolution that is a URL to an Image.
I would like to create or use an already made slider with thumbnails using different Custom Field Type that contain image links.
Dear Mike,
There isn't existed document for the Slider Revolution, I suggest you try this:
1) Create a custom multiple instance image field,
2) Use Views shortcode [wpv-for-each] to display the image field value as the HTML codes as Slider Revolution required
See above document, section "Displaying Repeating Fields"
For the HTML codes which are as Slider Revolution required, please check their document:
hidden link
Thank you for the reply. I am gonna give it a shot this week. Thank you again, I will be back in touch of I am still having issues.
Please update this ticket if you still need more assistance, thanks
All I had to do was drop the short-code as a text field layer in Slider Revolution like this
[types field='your_custom_slug' alt='%%ALT%%' title='%%TITLE%%' size='full' align='none'][/types]
instead of this
- {!{ types field='your_custom_slug' alt='%%ALT%%' title='%%TITLE%%' size='full' align='none'}!}{!{/types}!}
This was a much more efficient way to build a slider using Custom Post Fields opposed to how you would do it Luo.
I hope anyone else trying to figure this out now understands how it works. This is for Slider Revolutions owners only.