I am trying to insert a pagination to a view.
This view use Pagination enabled with manual transition and page reload, Individual settings, update views results every time an input changes and update URLs after loading search result.
When the user makes a change in filters, pagination stay the same than anteriour change.
User have to refresh page to see real pagination.
I use the same way to construct pagination as classified-site pagination example.
Can you help me?
My problem is:
If you go to my website, COMPRAR page, if I use full page refresh when visitors click on the search button with input values auto-updating it works good.
But if I use AJAX results update when visitors change any filter values, pagination becomes crazy. User makes changes in filters and paginations stay as the previous filter change.
That's normal????
No, it is abnormal, please point out the problem page URL and view URL, where and how can I see the problem: pagination becomes crazy
And since you are using other plugins and a custom theme, I need your permission to deactivate plugins and switch theme, please backup your website first.
Thanks for the details, I assume we are talking about this problem:
1) Edit the view "Cerca compra", in section "Custom Search Settings", enable option "Update the Views results without reloading the page"
The problem is in section "Loop Output Editor", shortcode:
[wpv-pager-nav-links output="bootstrap" previous_next_links="true"]
2) In the front-end, hidden link, choose option "Cases rústiques i de poble", and click the submit button.
The pagination display 8 pages, but it should display only 3 pages.
Can you confirm it is the problem you mentioned above?
I answer your questions:
In the front-end, hidden link, choose option "Cases rústiques i de poble", and click the submit button.
The pagination display 8 pages, but it should display only 3 pages.
Can you confirm it is the problem you mentioned above? Yes. But when I use Update the View results only when clicking on the search button and Reload the page to update the View options there is no problem with results. My real problem is that I want to use Update the View results every time an input changes in that view. The real problem appears when I use that option. Then pagination becomes inestable.
So you can try to put the pagination shortcode into "Filter Editor" section, and test again. If I do that, pagination appears before the results, cause I have previous filters up and I don't want that appears after the results. I can't separate filters???
As I mentioned above, the Pagination shortcode [wpv-pager-nav-links] won't be able to work as expected outside "Filter Editor" section, if you agree, we can take it as a feature request, our developers will evaluate it.
Currently, you will need to disable the AJAX search feature.
Ok, thanks.
If you can take it as a feature request to your developers will evaluate it, that will be great.
Just one thing,
In your reference sites->classified site->in parametric ads view you can find the [wpv-pager-nav-links output="bootstrap" previous_next_links="true"] in the loop output editor cause is the only way that pagination appears after loop output results.
I think problems appears when you try to use AJAX with pagination outside filter, but no when you use Full page refresh.
If you have some information about this and you can send to me, it will be great!!!!!!