Sorry, i could not understand your request, Also the site seems to be broken i am not able to access the login page it shows some error notice .
Can you please share some screenshots about the issue so that is it easy for me to understand, Also let me know the steps that you are trying to edit the templates.
I can access the site but the login credentials are not working. I am enabling the private field again.
I would alos kindly request you to add more information about the issue, Steps that i can perform or a screenshot about the issue so that it is clear for me to where to look at.
I can access the site, However i am still not clear about the issue, Can you please give an example template where i can see the issue.
Also if you have created the template using block editor it can only be modified from where it is created . If they are created from with in a post then it can only be modified form the post where it is created.
I see the issue. However i need more details to investigate it better.
It seems like you are using a child theme with custom functions, kindly switch the theme to the parent theme check if the issue still persists. If the issue disappear probably some custom code is conflicting with toolset.
It would be good if you can provide me with the WordPress debug.log (not WPML debug information).
To enable it, open your wp-config.php file and look for define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);. Change it to:
Once the debug log is turned on try opening the content templates again.
In this case, the errors will be saved to a debug.log log file inside the /wp-content/ directory.
If you can paste your debug.log to and provide me that link it would be great! (This is the cleanest way because sometimes the logs are long and create a complete mess in the discussion).
It seems like a site key mismatch is causing the issue.
- Please goto Plugins > Add New > Commercial ,
- Scroll down to Toolset Section and Click on Register Toolset,
- Click on get it from your account. link this will register a new key for your site.
- Use the generated key in the site key section and close the dialog
Once done try to access the content templates check if the issue still persists.