You have a View displaying products and you used the Add to Cart block to insert the add to cart button?
As you should be able to see in the screenshot, the text alignment setting for the block can be used to change the positioning of the button, including aligning it to the centre.
Yes I know that, I used the add to cart button but the position menu doesn't do what is supposed, I have selected to Center but It doesn't do it. And another thing, I would like to deactivate the quantity number.
Yes I know that, I used the add to cart button but the position menu doesn't do what is supposed, I have selected to Center but It doesn't do it.
Hi, if the alignment setting is not being applied correctly, I'll be glad to take a closer look. Can you provide login credentials in the private reply fields here?
And some other stuff sometimes like the "favorite heart".
Where can I see this favorite heart? When I visit the homepage I do not see it, so maybe I need a login or a different URL to check.
And another thing, I would like to deactivate the quantity number.
Please let me know where you want to hide the quantity field. When I check the homepage of your site, I do not see the quantity field. Please provide the URL so I can check.
1ª The alignment doesn't work in some itens like the add to cart button.
I see what you mean, and I can replicate this in my own local site. It seems that the Block Editor prevents centering this element. I will ask my 2nd tier team to take a look, this seems like a bug to me but I will let you know what I find out.
2ª I have configured the heart in the loops on top of the images and the only place it appears is the loop of archives because is not made with toolset (I cound't make a similar archive to this hidden link with toolset because the itens where getting or too small or out of the page, I will try again now and if it doesn't work I will open a new ticket for this) and in the single product page is suposed to appear next to the add to cart button but it doens't I don't know if is a problem with toolset or with the heart (favorites) plugin.
If this continues to be an issue, feel free to open a separate ticket so we can investigate in more detail.
ª as you can see in edit mode, the quantity is near every add to cart button, It just doesn't appear in the main page because the space is too small but it's sure to matter to be able to center the button
There is actually a known issue where the quantity field is not shown on the front-end of the site when the Add to Cart block is placed in a View of Products. Right now, there is no option in Blocks to enable or disable the quantity field, and the field will never appear on the front-end of the site. However, it will always appear in the main loop editor block above the Add to Cart button. Our developers are aware of the issue, and will address it in a future release. For now, if you want to hide the quantity field on the front-end of the site, there is nothing else you need to do. It will not appear on the front-end in any case until this issue is resolved by the developers.
Hello, we are now in the process of releasing the next major round of updates, which includes the fix for the quantity problem. The centering alignment issue is still outstanding. If you have not yet been prompted to update, you can go to wp-admin > Plugins > Add new, then click the Commercial tab. In the Toolset Installer panel, click "Check for Updates", and the automatic installer should find the latest plugins for download.
Hello, the alignment issue you noticed has been resolved in the latest round of updates. If you have not yet been prompted to update Toolset plugins, you may need to go to Plugins > Add new > commercial tab, scroll to the Toolset installer and click "Check for updates". Let me know if you are still unable to align the add to cart block effectively.