The Toolset documents are very rich and detailed.
But they are all so separatly displayed that I cant see the big picture anymore.
They are several plugins and I dunno which ones I need. I wont install them all coz I do not want my site to get slower than it is right now.
I already have a website, with a theme installed on it. I just need to achieve a simple thing but I am totally lost. So I will need your help to show me (please step by step) how to achieve this. Please explain how I must proceed with a correct order. And please tell me if I installed the correct components. Also if I need to install some more components in order to achieve what I want.
A. What I want to achieve:
1. I would like my website users, having the specific “employer” role, to use the forms I have created and submit their own content to my website. They will have to pay for each content submission. (Wcommerce). I have already setup a form for that. I the admin, will only publish the ones who have paid and of course would like to check and approve them before publishing. So they will be all set to “waiting for approval” initially.
2. Then, when I approve a post, I would like the post (filled by my users) to appear in a page but in “private” status. So that only me (admin) and the user (author of this post) are going to be able to see that page and its contents.
No one else must see.
3. I would like my users to be able to see a list of all their own posts (no matter which form type they have used to submit) and click on the ones they want to edit or preview from this list. But of course, I want them to be able to see only their own posts. Not the other users posts. In this listing table, I would like to show the date of submission + The ID of the post they have submitted + Name of the form they have used to submit their content + The amount they have payed for submitting their content + A button to show their submission + A button to edit the submitted content. (so that they can re-edit and send their content for approval if they want to change anything.)
4. I also want the user (post’s author) to be able to edit his own post. But when it is edited, post must again have status “waiting for admin approval”. So it mustnt be published directly, even if it was once published in the past.
B. Toolset Components I have installed:
CRED + CRED Commerce + Views + Types
C: What I have accomplished and What I dunno how to accomplish:
I have created my custom form fields group. And I have styled it in Forms with html.
Then I have put its shortcode to display it on a page. (see: hidden link)
- Form page looks great. After submit I am successfully redirected to the checkout page and payments work fine too.
- Then I have been to admin dash to check if the user submissions were successfully saved.
Yes, the filled content is displayed on the admin side if I click on edit post... (I have created my own post types, so I am not using the default WP posts category)
When I edit The submitted Post content, The custom fields show up fine , and the author submitted content is displayed in the WP Dashboard side.
BUT: But I cant see the authors contents submission as a "Post page".
Here the problem begins... And I really dont know what I am missing. Neither how to proceed after that point. I am totally confused and almost lost. Many questions in my head...
Check image 1: You’ll see that all my fields are saved in backend WP Admin Dashboard. But :
1. It is showing all the fields, even the ones that should be hidden because of conditional logic... they were not filled (not even displayed to the author). I would like to see only the fields that are filled from the user. Not the ones that are bypassed because of conditional logic.
2. When I click on preview page, it doesnt show up anything on the page... Just the form submission title. Check image 2. Which toolset plugin I must use, and what must I do (step by step) in order to be able to see ALL the content that my users have filled in the form and submitted to me ?
3. How make my users to be able to see a list of all their own posts ? Which toolset plugin I must use, and what must I do (step by step) in order to be able to achieve this? I would like each of their post to have an edit button so that they can edit what they have submitted previously.
4. And finally how can I setup a page from which my user is gonna be able to edit his content ?
5. How make the forms contents only visible to its author (my user) and me (admin) ? Do I need to install types access component for that? But please remember I want all my forms (not filled, initially) to be visible to everybody . Just the filled contents must be visible to its author and admin. How to achieve this ?
6. I have also created some templates, taxonomies, etc while trying to make all this work but no success.
You can check image 3.
E. My website's form link (if you wanna take a look:
hidden link
Help Needed:
- Do I need to install any other components ?
- Please explain step by step how to :
1. Show the form submissions as a list to each user their own with an edit button for each (Visible To only author)
2. Show the submitted and published form submission as a post ? with all filled content in it,except the fields that are by passed by conditional logic display. (To only author & admin)
3. Keep forms visible to everybody, but the form contents must be visible only to its author and admin.
4. Please check also the 6 points I have mentioned above.
Thanks a lot in advance. Please explain to me step by step. I have tried many ways and it even confused me more each time. So I will wait for your reply before trying anything else.