I have a map, and a custom post type of Locations. People add new locations to the map using the Toolset CRED Post form. I need to be able to show more than one marker and popup per address, as a single address is used for more than one thing. The markers cluster just fine, but when clicked don't do anything.
Is there a way to get the map to show two markers very close to each other, that are for the same address, so they can still be clicked on to see their popups?
Here's the map, but at the moment we have removed any duplicate addresses hidden link
Let me know if I need to supply any more information
I did try spiderify combined with clustering, but it won't let two markers at the same location spiderify. I have enabled this on the map so you can see what I mean: hidden link
Here's my shortcode. I tried changing the cluster grid size, but it makes no difference
Because the items are the same address the cluster is overwriting the spiderfy. So in your case you will need to disable the clusters and just use the spiderfy in order to get your desired results.