i have a no programming experience .. i built my site using div .. i want to make a full width post type to use for posts , archives and taxonomies
i did what mentioned in the following links .. it works only when i'm editing the post template BUT after i save the full width post to divi library and use it as content template for my post type it's not working as full width and the content appear in the same content area of standard WordPress posts but without the sidebar ass i removed them from the php files
If your posts in your custom posts types are using a custom content template then you should be able to set the content template to display with full width.
i already read the post you mentioned but i'm still confused .. the Theme Options only appears in the " Edit Layout " page
and i can't find theme options in " Edit Content Template " page
Yes that is correct if you have the Layouts plugin enabled then the setting won't be on the Content templates.
This setting will move to the Layouts pages. It's under the impression that Layouts would be used to design your pages but due to compatibility with Layouts and Divi I would not recommend using Layouts with Divi.
ok .. i disabled theLayouts plugin and now i can control the settings of my content template BUT there is a Margin around the post as you can see in the screenshot .. how can i remove it ?