Tell us what you are trying to do?
I have created a page where user can publish and unpublish a post on the same page using a edit form with just the submit button.
I have also created a edit post form that publishes the post after editing. The whole thing is done using elementor with a content template assigned to no posts and a post content module.
Now I want to add a draft post edit form on the same page. So, I created a new content template and added a view that only shows draft posts. In that view, I added the edit post form. Then, I added the view on the page. Nothing happened on trying to edit the draft form. The page just load back to itself.
View code:
<!-- wpv-loop-start -->
[wpv-post-body view_template="loop-item-in-draft-project-submission-edit-post"]
<!-- wpv-loop-end -->
[cred_form form='edit-project-submission-form']
[wpml-string context="wpv-views"]No items found[/wpml-string]