Sorry, I just lost in new documentation structure as it focused on using blocks.
I just want to add view to my site to show posts in different as a general archives as years, months, categories, etc. But I can;t find how to filter view output according to archive it will be used in.
So like show it in archive "Month: March 2020" or archive "Category: Category 1"
You want to add a View to an archive (e.g. an archive for the term 'red' of the 'colour' taxonomy, at, which displays posts with the term 'red' assigned) and filter the View by the same condition so that it displays the same results that the archive itself does?
You could do that with a taxonomy archive as in my example by adding a query filter to your View for the taxonomy and specifying that the term comes from a shortcode attribute, and then where you insert the View (using a shortcode) you add the attribute and pass the value using a shortcode, e.g. wpv-taxonomy-slug.
It's not possible to filter a View by publication date in the same way without writing some custom code, because there isn't a shortcode to output what the current date archive year and month are to pass to the View. So you would need to register custom shortcodes to return the year and the month, and then you could use those to provide the corresponding values.
Thanks a lot, this works. But I have additional question - I want to output just name of the category, not full archive title. Like in category "Universities" I want to show on page <h1> included just "Universities" instead of full archive title ([wpv-archive-title]) as "Category: Universities". How could I do it?