I want to build something like a view - but with the contents taken from multiple repeating fields.
I have some custom types which include for example:
- teaser icons with 4 elements
- teaser headlines also with 4 elements
- teaster content with also 4 elements
Now I would like to create a grid/view that renders 4 blocks, each composed of the same index 0,1,2 or 3 of those different repeating fields:
icon[0] headline[0]
icon[1] headline[1]
and placed into a grid.
I attached some screenshots of the fields and how the current page online looks like.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Rather creating repeating field in this case - what if you create a repeating field group that will allow you to add the item in single row for all entities.
thanks for your quick reply. Sadly the repeating fields are already created, as they come from a drupal import already - and I want to prevent editing all f them as there are about 1000 of them.
- You can modify the field slugs as required.
- Please register the shortcode name wpv-index at:
=> Toolset => Settings => Front-end Content => Third-party shortcode arguments