at this page (example), hidden link
I have a button that opens a gallery with user uploaded photos.
This is done by pure javascript (no jquery), and I use a content template to get the nessasary values for the script to work:
src: '[types field='stort-billede3' url='true'][/types]',
title: '[types field='titel-stort-billede3'][/types]'
In a view I have a loop with the above values for images (src and title) that are used in the script, and the view also adds the remaining js-code for the gallery to work.
But as you can see in the source I get javascript error, because the apostrophes (') are converted into html entity
And therefor the gallery script dont work (cant load the src and title values).
How can I avoid that apostrophes are not encoded?
I meant off course:
How can I avoid that apostrophes are encoded?
Hello and thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
I wonder if you tested your code while omitting the single quotes:
src: [types field='stort-billede3' url='true'][/types],
title: [types field='titel-stort-billede3'][/types]
Instead of:
src: '[types field='stort-billede3' url='true'][/types]',
title: '[types field='titel-stort-billede3'][/types]'
If this does not help, please try the "raw" attribute equal to true:
[types field='stort-billede3' url='true' raw='true'][/types]
If this does not help, I might need to take a closer look at your admin area to check this further.
no nothing of your suggestions work.
I hope you can come up with a better suggestion. I am sorry but I can not allow access to admin area.
I have solved it my self. Not useful support in this situation