Hi Timothy,
Thank you for contacting us and I'll be happy to assist.
You can use WooCommerce, Woo Subscriptions, and Toolset Access plugins together, for a membership/directory website with a single user level (free or paid), out-of-the-box.
But for multiple user levels ( i.e. basic free, silver, gold, and platinum ), you'll either need their "WooCommerce Memberships
" plugin ( https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-memberships/ ) or some custom code that can change the user roles based on status of subscription levels for different products/subscriptions.
Here is a useful guide on how WooCommerce Subscriptions and the Toolset plugin can be used togather:
Toolset Access plugin offers features to create custom user roles, manage existing roles & their capabilities and controlling access to website's content based on user roles. But it doesn't include option to assign different roles to users based on the products or active subscriptions they have in their account.
As for your specific questions:
1) I imagine they will have to have roles assigned to them depending on what package they choose when they register. How can I assign roles based on the package they choose?
- Your understanding is correct and each user level or role will need to have its own subscription product, that members can pay for to get that access.
But, you'll need "WooCommerce Memberships" extension or some custom code that makes use of WooCommerce Subscription plugin's API ( https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/subscriptions/develop/ ), to change roles for individual products (as it offers only global control for all products).
2) How do I limit/offer the different functionality the different packages/roles have (for example Package 1 will not have access to the dashboard tab for adding/editing coupons, and package 3 will allow bar owners to claim multiple listings and manage these in the dashboard)
- Once you've managed to assign different roles to different group of users, the Toolset Access plugin will allow you full control to show/hide specific content sections, based on their user roles:
3) Listings that are Featured, so members who have Package 3, have a featured banner, appear on the Homepage, and appear at the top of Category pages. Is this something I can do with a View?
- Yes, using the Toolset Views plugin, you'll be able to create a view that shows featured content/banner (post types) filtered by author's user level.
I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any further questions.