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[Resolved] How do I update a site using embedded toolset?

This support ticket is created 7 years, 6 months ago. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.

This is the technical support forum for Toolset - a suite of plugins for developing WordPress sites without writing PHP.

Everyone can read this forum, but only Toolset clients can post in it. Toolset support works 6 days per week, 19 hours per day.

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices.

Last updated by Luo Yang 7 years, 6 months ago.

Assisted by: Luo Yang.


How do I reflect changes I make locally on my clients site that uses embedded plugin?

After the initial install, if I modify a view or a layout how do I get that change onto my clients site?

The embedded plugin version doesn't allow for importing so what is the process for putting these changes live?


Dear Mike,

You can update your custom theme. update your Toolset settings file in the theme, and update theme in your client's website.

And since the old version of Embedded Toolsets is being phased out and it will evolve to something different in January 2017, the Toolset-based themes.

I suggest you to stop using the old Embedded Toolset now, so it leaves a little bit of a gap.


I updated the xml file in the theme and changed the theme version. It does not update the views in client site.

Can you please explain what I should be using if I stop using embedded plugin? You haven't released anything yet, are you seriously suggesting I tell my client that I wont release their website until next year?

What do you mean by creating a "gap"? I need to release a site and toolset just doesnt work. It is becoming infuriating and my client is getting very upset. I was meant to put the site live over a week ago but toolset just doesn't work and now I am being told to "leave a gap". What are you taking about?


Q1) I updated the xml file in the theme and changed the theme version. It does not update the views in client site.
Please check our document:

To distribute and use the created Views and Content Templates in a theme you need to put settings.xml and setting.php into the embedded-views directory. Views will check the $timestamp in settings.php to see if it’s a newer version. If it is then Views will import settings.xml and create the Content Templates and Views.

So you can simply, switch to another theme, and switch back, this will trigger embedded-views to check the new version, then import the settings again.

Q2) Can you please explain what I should be using if I stop using embedded plugin?
Since the old version of Toolset Embeded is going down soon, and the new so we do not recommend you to build new projects with this old version of Toolset Embeded.

Q3) What do you mean by creating a "gap"?
As I mentioned above, the old version of Toolset Embeded is going down, and the new Toolset-based themes is going to be released soon, so it would be a gap if you build new projects with this old version of Toolset Embeded.

But if you have already built themes and is distributing them with the old version of Toolset Embeded, we will offer an upgrading to your client's accounts:
We will upgrade the accounts of these clients to the new Author accounts for free. I suggest you create a thread for it when the Toolset-based themes is released.

This ticket is now closed. If you're a Toolset client and need related help, please open a new support ticket.