Sorry Luo -
There must be something I am missing, or I am not understanding how it works. I thought it seemed straightforward. So, here they are. I am not using any PHP code for this.
The page "patel-directory" uses the view, "member-profile-short", which is a user view, any role, order by User registered date, no limit, no filter and no pagination. In the loop, I have only one line: [wpv-post-body view_template="member-profile-short"]
The "member-profile-short" template grabs a user profile, and displays user_firstname, user_lastname, user_email, user_biographical_info, and wpcf-user-phone (Types user field).
That all works correctly.
At the bottom of that "member-profile-short" template, I have the link:
View Profile
Hovering on that link correctly shows the ID of each profile (1, 2, 3, etc.): /member-profile?users-filter=2
'58' is the post_id of the Page, "member-profile" which calls [wpv-view name="member-profile-full"].
The view, "member-profile-full" is a user view, any role, order by User registered date, limit 1 item, filter =
Select users with the id determined by the URL parameter "users-filter" and with role "(any)"
eg. yoursite/page-with-this-view/?users-filter=1
No pagination.
The loop has only one line: [wpv-post-url view_template="member-profile-full"]
The "member-profile-full" template grams the same user fields as the "short" template, except it displays the "wpcf-full-bio-description"(Types user field) instead of user_biographical_info field.
I think I am following the instructions in the documentation you linked for me above, but I must have something wrong somewhere if I am always getting the Current user's info only.
Does it look like I have the above views set correctly?
Also, a clue might be that if I enable Views Debug, I get the Debug popup for the first (Directory) view, but when I click on my "View Profile" link, it opens the member-profile-full template without poping up the Debug info. I can't figure out why this happens.
Thanks for any clues you might have.